Fleet Management
Overview page
- ① Vehicle list ② Image Map ③ Driving log
Real-time tracking vehicles
- View all your vehicles on the image map
- Find out where the vehicle is and current speed through GPS connection + Power on/off the vehicles (IG1 based) + Battery voltage
Driving log and history
- Check timely route and speed log of the vehicle via our visible UI
- Manage dispatch and your driver’s behavior
Conveniently categorize your vehicles
- Conveniently categorize your vehicles
- Refine vehicles by different types easily
- Define a purpose/location/routes of each group and customize the reference name of vehicles
Real-time notification
- Get an instant notification when a device detects errors, submits an order to vehicles, or receives geo-fencing data
- Receive SMS message about any important notification or news
Remote control
- Send an order to vehicles via SMS from your mobile devices
- Communicate with vehicles to check status, to turn on/off power, to report data, to change GPS setting and to set up an alert + Update firmware remotely
Different types of tracking data
- Save data for 6 months at longest to utilize for your analysis
- Download quarterly/monthly/daily/periodically Tachograph in excel form
DTG for Corporate fleets
- Download mandatory DTG to submit to National Tax Service for expenses
- Submit a required Tax form automatically to National Tax via Dashboard
Geo-fencing notification
- Receive a SMS when a vehicle crosses a digital geo-fencing you already set up
- Create a round boundaries within 50m-10Km or a boundaries of civic units → Improve security by prevent unauthorized usage out-of-hours or theft
Multiple accounts
- Create a Master ID for head office and Sub IDs for managers and branches
- Grant access selectively as necessary Register each vehicle in several account simultaneously
Verification via NFC
- Identify each driver with NFC tag option
- Save history of NFC log-in
Temperature management
- Manage temperature in real-time and find out temperature trends on a vehicle for a specific period
- Alert an expected change of temperature
Driver Behavior management with Safe Ubikhan
- Collect and analyze vehicles/drivers’ unsafe behavior via DTG/ADAS
- View daily charts in dashboard
Automated report of mandatory break time of a driver
- Access to monthly mandatory form of driver’s break time conveniently
- Automate a required mandatory form